
A repository of my tools and scripts

Project maintained by Aprazeth Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Table of Contents


A repository of my tools and scripts. This is where I will be storing my PowerShell scripts that I have created in my own free time, and make available for use (please feel free to refer to the license)

Quick listing of my scripts

The actual scripts can be found in the folder ‘.\Scripts’

Settings, extensions I use(d) and recommend

Settings, extensions, and other tidbits I highly recommend:

I have created a generic Pester file, called Generic.Tests.ps1 - which will run a few checks and test on all the PS1 (PowerShell scripts) and PSM1 (PowerShell Modules) files, namely:

All checks for ScriptAnalyzer should return ‘0’; anything higher I’ll consider a failed test. All checks for the commentblock should of course be at least 1 or higher (in the case of ‘Example’)

Why the name majoraap

I had a website for several years with that name. It was where I started with a few posts on this very topic (scripts); I figured that a proper way to distribute them - and make them available to everyone - was to use Github. The website has since been taken offline, yet I continue to work on my scripts here.

Also, you can follow or reach me over on Mastodon